Why Donate to Foster Children?

Foster youth are often moved from one foster family to another, readjusting to each family unit in order to fit in, often finding the match just doesn’t work. Some never have an adult to encourage their education or offer guidance to help them succeed in the future.

California foster youth are among the most vulnerable youth in our country. They often face school failure, often coping with psychological traumas resulting from their past, some having experienced poverty, abuse, neglect and separation from family, friends, and supportive teachers.

A center in Berkly, CA followed 11,300 foster youth during grades 9-11. The analysis provided a consensus that these students graduate high school and continue their education at alarmingly low rates compared to non-foster students. These foster students are twice as likely to drop out of high school. They need encouragement and guidance every day!

The latest government statistics provide disturbing information. Over 24,000 youth aged out of foster care in 2012, without emotional and financial support. According to a study by the Congressional Coalition on Adopting Institute, 40% were homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men received government benefits which only covered basic needs. 50% of all these youth were involved in substance abuse and 17% of females were expecting a child.

Foster Youth Counselors from Northern California have contacted the Timothy Tuition Program and requested everything from shoes to suitcases to clothing and so much more for foster children.

If you are interested in donating to this program, please rest assured that 100% of your donation goes to the benefit of foster children in Northern California.

Yes, every cent of your donation goes directly to the children’s needs. We personally cover any administrative costs associated with the Timothy Tuition Program.

As of 2014, half a million kids were homeless or in foster care in California.

With your help we CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Even the smallest donation can help in a BIG way! Thank you for your thoughtful consideration for these children who need so much help and guidance.


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